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Friday, November 7, 2014
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The family of Laura Semler uploaded a photo
Friday, November 7, 2014
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The family of Laura Semler uploaded a photo
Friday, November 7, 2014
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The family of Laura Semler uploaded a photo
Friday, November 7, 2014
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The family of Laura Semler uploaded a photo
Friday, November 7, 2014
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The family of Laura Semler uploaded a photo
Friday, November 7, 2014
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The family of Laura Semler uploaded a photo
Friday, November 7, 2014
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Carole Tom posted a condolence
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Thinking of you at this very sad are in my thoughts and prayers. with love
Danny Gomez posted a condolence
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Gordon and kids, I'm so sorry for your loss, take comfort it will only be temporary and you will be with Laury again. This much love can't just come to an end, it will continue when you all reunite again. Love, Danny
Silvia I. Hyde (Lombardo) posted a condolence
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Mis sinceras condolencias con el fallecimiento de Laury. Que en paz descanse junto a sus otros seres queridos rodeada del amor de Dios. Silbel
Trudy Quinn posted a condolence
Thursday, September 6, 2012
My deepest sympathy on the loss of a kind, generous and loving human being. The world is a sadder place without Lauritin.
Charin posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Acabo de recibir las noticias de Lauri y como todos en el grupo, me siento adolorido y al mismo tiempo pensando que al fin puede descansar . Me puso tambien a pensar de aquellos momentos divinos que pasamos en Colon y queria compartir con todos este pedacito de una pelicula que tomamos uno de esos dias locos en la calle ocho. La resolucion y la calidad del video son terribles pero creo que pueden verlo de todos modos. La camara original y el film de Kodak 8mm Color Movie, era mia. El cinematografo fue Alberto Montenegro y van a ver que hasta el cura se aparecio por ahi ese dia. Paso Pepe distribuyendo las michas, Tono, Mariana, Adita, Margarita, Dora, Titi, hasta la Sra. Ceci (qepd) estuvo en medio del show. Me trajo lagrimas en ver y acordar a Lauri teniendo unos quince anos de edad en esos dias. Enjoy.
Ana Maria Saiz posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Querida Marcia,
Que tristeza! Lauri era tan chispa y alegre! Siempre sonreida! Que Dios la tenga en su gloria y descanse en paz!
Que su alma descanse en paz!
Ana Maria Saiz
Sheila See posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Laura Morales used to be my neighbor in Calle 8 y Sta. Isabel. She studied with my sister Marilyn.
How very sad. We were neighbors, pared con pared and used to play together - I have fond memories of those times.
God rest her soul and let perpetual light shine upon her.
Marcia, we must thank God daily for our lives and our families and live to the fullest. And remember to say I love you to our dear ones
Sheila See
Tilma Morales O. Kirk posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Thanks Marcia. Very sad indeed, she was my first cousin but had not seen her in many many years. We were very close when we were in St. Mary's and then we lost track of each other.
Tilma Morales O. Kirk
Aida Harris posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Gracias Charin por tan bello homenaje a nuestra querida Lauri (qepd). Confio en que la estela que dejo su alma bella contribuira a dar paz y aceptacion a su querida familia. Que de Dios goce nuestra querida Lauri!
Aida Harris
Alberto Montenegro posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Se nos fue una gran amiga. Desde ninos fuimos amigos. Que Dios reciba a Laury en su paraiso. Hasta pronto amiga, extranaremos tus escritos....
Alberto Montenegro
Pololo Arcia posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Si mi gente.....un dia muy triste para mi y para todos nosotros que conocimos a Laury desde ninos, y despues teenagers en calle ocho. Charin con tu video nos llevaste a la calle ocho y santa isabel....y la vimos como si fuera ayer nada mas, gracias mil.. Mi primer recuerdo y el mas aquellos recuerdos que no se olvidan, es aun mucho antes de ese dia del video de Charin.....En el tambo de mi casa, en una casita de munecas hecha para mi hermana Lilia, donde Lauri, Mariela, Lina y otras amiguitas, iban a jugar....Tendrian pienso yo entre 6, a 8 anos. Todavia lo tengo grabado en mi memoria...
Laury se nos fue.....asi lo quiso Dios....nos quedan los bellos recuerdos de esa ninez, juventud, y mas tarde esa alegria contagiosa de Colon guial, siempre enviandonos pensamientos y musica a pesar de su dolorosa enfermedad....
Lauri te quisimos, te querremos siempre y nunca te olvidaremos.
Pololo Arcia
Yoli Lanuza posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Tanta tristeza siento que se me llenan los ojos de lagrimas solo pensar que
no volveremos a recibir sus Today ni Mi Bears. Ella sentia una conexion tan
estrecha con los osos polares y sus mensajes siempre venian llenos de risas,
de palabras sabias, de tristezas, pero sobre todo, repletos de amor. El
amor era para ella el centro de su vida y esto le ayudo a enfrentar su
terrible enfermedad. A veces yo me preguntaba como podia ella reir y estar
tan positiva cuando veia como a diario su salud empeoraba. Pero ella me
dijo que no le tenia miedo a la muerte porque sabia que iba a estar con su
amada madre y sus hermanos tan queridos. Sentia adoracion por sus
nietos..."Los amo", me decia, igual que a sus hijos y a Gordon. Me decia
que sus perros eran sus eternos companeros que llenaban de alegria sus dias.
Y ni que decir de sus pequenos alumnos que la adoraban.
En fin, nuestra Laury se nos fue pero nos dejo un legado lleno de amor, de
una fortaleza increible y una gran capacidad para dar a manos llenas.
Solamente unos dias atras me estaba riendo con ella porque envio una
fotografia de una mujer tan fea parada en el quicio de una puerta y le
conteste que me parecia la entrada del Hotel Garcia. Riendose a carcajadas
me contesto que se parecia a Rosie O'Donnell parada en la puerta del Hotel
Garcia. Ocurrente como nadie; llena de vida, como pocos; todavia oigo sus
carcajadas y me decia que se estaba orinando de tanto reir :-)
El cielo esta de fiesta, como dijo Marta. Hay musica y hay baile. La
bienvenida es grande y Laury, caminando, corriendo y saltando, llega ante El
Senor y Su Amadisimo Madre Maria, quienes, con los brazos abiertos, la
abrazan y la besan. Como seres humanos que somos, sentimos el gran hueco
que ha dejado entre nosotros, pero yo, su amiga, me siento en paz por ella
porque ya no sufre. Es feliz.
Por medio es te mensaje hago llegar mi mas sentido pesame a Gordon, sus
hijos, nietos, sobrinos y sobre todo, a Marce, su hermana del alma.
Descansa en paz, querida Laury. Nunca de olvidaremos.
I love you.
Yoli Lanuza
Marta Ester Pretto de Castrellon posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
That is the most lovely part of passing away, when someone has been that special as our sister Lauritin was, because all these messages will help her beloved family to overcome pretty fast the pain of her physical absence...
God is Merciful, Praise The Lord!
Marta Ester Pretto de Castrellon
Leyda Perez Grissette posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
am truly saddened by these news. My thoughts and prayers are with those she left behind. I will always carry her in my heart and will never forget her sense of humor and laughter. I talked to her a couple of weeks ago and, as always, 75% of the conversation was laughter. Her energy and outlook in life was and always will be an inspiration to me. To me she was the epitome of what a human being should be. May she be in the glory of our Maker. Rest in peace Laury. I love you!
Leyda Perez Grissette
Elsa Navas de Rodriguez y familia posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Dios tenga a Laury en la Gloria! Con gran tristeza he recibido esta noticia porque nos deja Laury sin sus mensajes tan hermosos y su gran alegria de vivir. Pero estoy segura que alla arriba estara haciendo sonreir a los Angeles con la jovialidad que la caracterizaba. Paz a su tumba.
Reciban tu y tu familia mi mas sentido pesame.
Elsa Navas de Rodriguez y familia
Mariester Julio posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Marcia hoy ha ido un dia muy dificil para mi la noticia del viaje de lauri al cielo y el viaje de mi primo chequelin valdes tambien al cielo . muy duro hoy
Mariester Julio
Fina Montenegro posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Marcia, asi es, llego al cielo! Debe estar feliz viendonos y con tanto amor repartiendolo al lado del Senor y la Virgen Maria!
Fina Montenegro
Fay Millard posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Mis mas sentido pesame para Gordon e hijos y tambien Marcela y familia.
Que Dios tenga a nuestra querida Laurie en su gloria. Mucha falta nos hara
sus escritos diarios
diana vila posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
I didn't know. i am so sorry. it pains me just to keep writing. may her soul rest in peace and her family and friends be strong to accept this sad reality. she was an intelligent, positive, kind, and compasionate friend who will always be remembered with love and fond memories. siempre vivira porque la gente no muere hasta que se olviden de ella y no la olvidaremos. un abrazo a todos, diana vila
Trudy Lazarus Quinn posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
I will truly miss her she was the most wonderful warmest human being. . .......Trudy Lazarus Quinn
Mariana de la Espriella posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Estoy en shock con esta noticia, Lauri querida tantos recuerdos bellos que tengo de nuestra juventud pero se que te fuiste a una mejor vida y al encuentro de tu mami y hermanos, te quiero mucho y siempre te he tenido en mis oraciones y seguiras en ellos.
Mis mas sentido pesame a Gordon y sus hijos and Marcela y familia un abrazo y que dios los bendiga
Mariana de la Espriella
Marta Ester de Castrellon posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Un Angel regreso al Cielo y hay fiesta en el Paraiso, demos Gracias a Dios por ello.
Manana le pondre una Misa por su feliz y eterno descanso.
Abrazos y Bendiciones!
Marta Ester de Castrellon
Tita Montenegro posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Que tristeza me da. Hasta el ultimo momento nos deleito con sus positivos mensajes, a pesar de que no se sentia bien. I will miss her too. Que Dios la tenga en Su Reino.
Tita Montenegro
Anita de la Espriella posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Esta manana partio al cielo nuestra querida Laury.... nos deja mucha
Paz, y lindos recuerdos, entre ellos hasta ayer Aug. 27 su e-mail con
su Oso Blanco....que tanto amaba. Te recordaremos siempre Laury dear.
Un abrazo para Gordon y flia...Marcela y Flia..
Ya avisaremos para reunirnos todos en una misa...
Un abrazo,
Anita de la Espriella
Marcia Pinto Alberga posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
Muchos de ustedes ya lo recibieron pero como algunas direcciones cambiaron, lo volvi a re-enviar. Laury, you will be missed by all of us.....WE LOVE YOU!!!!
Marcela, te llame pero me salio la grabacion, ya hablaremos despues......I imagine you and Stephanie are on your way there. My condolences to you, Gordon and the rest of the family.
Love, Marcia Pinto Alberga
Danny Gomez posted a condolence
Monday, September 3, 2012
I'm sure some of you already heard the sad news, but just want to let you all know that our beloved friend Laury passed away this morning. I will miss her, she was like a little sister. I have no other information. Love to all.
Danny Gomez
Carole Tom posted a condolence
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Dear Semler Family,My prayers are with you all, may she rest in peace in Gods arms
Anonymous posted a condolence
Friday, August 31, 2012
I am sitting here with a smile on my face thinking of my last conversation with my dear friend, Laury, a couple of weeks ago.
We laughed a lot that day reminiscing about a particular day during our senior year in high school. We went to a small Catholic school for girls and our teachers were Franciscan nuns who wore those dark, long habits. (Don't know how they put up with the heat!) I used to drive a little "Anglia" (just like the little car in one of the Harry Potter movies, same color and all). One day one of my classmates asked me if I would quickly drive her to the store a few blocks away because she needed something or other. I looked up at the clock and saw that we only had 5 minutes before the bell rang, but nevertheless, I agreed and started hurrying down the hallway and out of the building. Laury saw her walking rapidly behind me and asked where she was going. She told her and, of course, Laury decided she wanted to go and started walking behind her. Someone asked Laury the same and she replied the same. I think you can guess what happened next. It was like a domino effect. As I was getting in the car, I looked up and saw about 15 classmates coming towards the car. I remember standing there with my mouth opened and then asking, "Where do you girls think you are going?" They all replied with laughter, "We are going to the store." I think Laury was laughing the loudest. I looked at her; she shrugged her shoulders and went on laughing. The girls were already getting carried away with laughter, but still proceeded with the impossible task of getting into this little car, not much bigger than the VW beetle, all the while laughing harder and louder. There were legs and arms going every which way. You could hear, "watch my arm," "squeeze in," "move over," and "hurry up, get out before I ______ my pants." Needless to say, those 5 minutes went by real fast and we had no choice but to ignore the bell ringing. We were having way too much fun! Next thing you know standing on the sidewalk is Mother Superior looking all regal and stern in her long, dark habit. I guess the fun had to come to an end. Laury and I were trying to remember what Mother Superior had said, but we couldn't. We were too out of control to really care. I think we all giggled a lot that afternoon.
Did I mention we wore skirts for uniform? Well, just imagine what Mother Superior must have seen!
I was blessed to have had Laury as one of my best and dearest friends throughout my childhood. We started going to school together in kindergarten. After high school, I moved to the United States and after a while we lost touch. I was blessed again many years ago when we reconnected. It was as if we had never lost touch. I will miss her terribly! Love you Laury. Rest in peace.
Connie Morton posted a condolence
Friday, August 31, 2012
Dear family, We will miss Mrs. Semler so much at Fallon Park. She was always so cheerful and really cared about our students. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
Donald B. Collins, Sr posted a condolence
Friday, August 31, 2012
I was sadden to find out Mrs. Semler had died. The one thing that will always remind me of her will be seeing what she called "naked" trees in the Winter when they had shed their leaves. I'll be thinking of her this Winter when I view the "naked" trees. I'm sorry that I couldn't get off from RADAR today so that I could be there for her Memorial Service. My prayers are with her family. She'll be missed.
Krystal Wray posted a condolence
Friday, August 31, 2012
Mrs.Semler was a blessing to be around ,she went out of her way to make you feel welcome. Even though we didn't work closely together she always stopped me and asked me how I was and greeted me with a smile or a wave. I will miss her and my thoughts and prayers go out to her family.
Pamela Wheeler posted a condolence
Friday, August 31, 2012
Laura, I will always remember you in my mind wheeling down the hallway at Fallon Park with a line of 5 year olds following behind you! You made such a difference in their young lives. I will miss you and love you! Until we meet again!
Sally Williams posted a condolence
Thursday, August 30, 2012
I have worked with Laura for several years now, and she has always had time to stop and share what little time she has with the children. She truly loves the little ones and desires to share all of life's knowledge with them. Over the years, she has been a teacher, a translator, a friend, a mentor, a Reiki Master, and so much more. What an amazing person! It would always crack me up when she would stop by my classroom and ask "Can someone please plug me in?" The children would love to be the one chosen to charge her chair. They will miss her so much.
I will also miss Laura's caring nature. She always took time to stop and ask how my year was going and how my own child was developing. She read stories to my students and they were mesmerized by her words. I will always remember her sweet smile and positive attitude. Love and many blessings.
Sally Williams posted a condolence
Thursday, August 30, 2012
My thoughts and prayers go out to the Semler family. Mrs. Semler was an absolute blessing to Fallon Park Elementary. I will miss her smile and her humor. She genuinely cared about each and every person she met, and made them feel as if they were the most important person on earth. I feel blessed to have been able to work so closely with her. Love and Prayers to you all.
Lee White posted a condolence
Thursday, August 30, 2012
To the Semler Family, I want to send my condolences to each of her remaining family members,it was an honor for me to assist your mother in helping her get ready for school each morning and ironing her clothes and picking out the outfit that would make her feel special for that day, she was and will always hold a special spot in my heart, truly she will be missed, we that knew her know that we will have a void in our hearts for a long time, rest from all your pain Laura and when you get a minute just smile down on us as we continue on ,til we meet again love you Lee & Lue
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